Pandoc Guide


Used for converting file formats

Go to, download the latest tarball (currently pandoc- and run:

sudo tar xvzf pandoc- --strip-components 1 -C /usr/local/

install TeX to be able to generate PDF output:

sudo yum -y install texlive

Basic useage

pandoc inputfile -f inputfiletype -t outputfiletype -o outputfile

Convert full folder

for f in *; do pandoc "$f" -s -o "../bloghtml/${f%}.html"; done

Convert epub to markdown and migrate to Obsidian

Run pandoc bookname.epub -o --extract-media=images

This will create the file and an image folder. Place the image folder in your Obsidian attachments folder. Also, place the markdown file in your Obsidian vault and Obsidian will see all of the image references.

Then, you can run Obsidian’s Text Extractor to pull the text from the image to your clipboard.