
Different Linux Shells

  • Bourne-again shell (Bash)
  • C shell (csh/tcsh)
  • Korn Shell (ksh)
  • Z shell (zsh)

View your system’s hostname by running the hostname command:


2 types of commands

- internal (~30 built in commands) (builtins)

- External

- reside in individual files

- usually binary programs or scripts

- shellusys PATH variable to find the command (the executable file)


Double quotes

- text in between is regular characters

- except $ \ `

variables, command substitution and arithmetic still work

- a space bar loses it’s meaning as an argument seperator

Single Quotes

- revoke special meaning from all characters in quotes

Escape Characters

- takes special meaning out of characters

$ echo \$USER


- .\ tells bash to ignore specialness of preceding character

Set a variable




Local Variable

- available to the current shell process only

- Not accessible to other programs

Environment Variables

- available in shell session and sub processes

- usually in capital letters

- all variables are set when shell is started

Config: Local variables

$ greeting=hello

$ echo $greeting


Remove variable

$ unset greeting

Config: Global Variables

$ greeting=hello

$ export greeting


$ export greeting=hello

Use variable in front of a command

$ TZ=EST date

$ TZ=GMT date

Display all environment variables

$ env

The PATH Variable

- stores a list of directories that have executable commands

append new directory to PATH

$ PATH=$PATH:new_directory

append new directory to PATH using another variable

$ mybin=/opt/bin

$ PATH=$PATH:$mybin

which = find out how shell invokes a specific command

$ which nano

Using the command line to get help


- stores most documentation

Display quick help options

$ bash –help



1 user command

2 system calls

3 functions to the c library

4 drivers and device files

5 configuration files and file formats

6 games

7 misc

8 system administrator commands

9 kernel

- Man page belongs to one category

- Each category can have a man page with the same name

- call a specific page & category

$ man 5 passwd

- otherwise man will select 1st available (passwd(1))

- uses less to display content

- Search man page (while it is displayed)

\ search_word

- searching forward

$ search-word

- searching backward

type N

- jump to next match

type H

- see other features

Info pages

$ info mkdir

- place cursor on hyperlinks & press enter to visit them


- contains directory for most packages installed on the system

- each one contains README or readme.txt

- can also contain changelog, etc.

Locating files

$ locate word

- searches database for matching string

- database is managed by updatedb

can run updatedb to manually update the database

The find command

- searches directory tree recursively

- requires search path

$ find . -name myfile

Using directories and Listing Files

$ sudo apt install tree

$ tree

Shows current directory and sub directories

File and directory names

Navigating the Filesytem

Special relative paths

$ ls -a

- also shows hidden files and directories

. indicates current location

.. indicates parent directory

$ cd ../..

- can be used to navigate up the file tree very quickly

Using directories and Listing Files Part 2

$ tree -L 1 /

- shows only first column of thre root directory tree

FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy Standard)

- Defines standards of standard directory locations

- changes made in root filesystem effect all users

- will also require admin

$ su - michael

- switch user

ls ~michael

- ls the home directory of a user (if you have permissions)

Hidden files

- begin with .

- often used to set user-specific configuration settings

Additional ls Options

l: Long

h: Human readable

d: directories without contents

t: modification time

r: reverse sort

X: file eXtension

S: size

R: Recursive (run ls here and then repeat the command in every subdirectory you find)

Recursion in Bash

- when something is defined in terms of itself

$ du -h

output a list file size of all files, directories, and subdirectories for a certain location

Creating, Moving, and Deleting Files


* matches any character including no character

? matches any one character

[] matches a class of characters

$ ls file [1-35-6a-c]

can use multiple ranges

$ [1a5]

match certain characters

$ [^a]

match everything but a

Character class

ls file [[:digit:]]

match everything in the digit class

ls file [[:digit:]a]

match digit or a


letters and numbers


upper or lowercase letters


spaces and tabs


control characters (backspace, bell, NAK, escape)




Graphic characters (all characters except ctrl and space)


lowercase letters


printable characters (alnum, punct, and space)


Punctuation (!, &,")


whitespace characters (tabs, spaces, newlines]


Uppercase letters


Hexadecimal numerals