What I am Doing Now

This is a page to help me stay focused and keep track of what I am doing. It is also to show others what I am currently working on and thinking about. Credit goes to Derrick Sivers for starting a “Now” page movement. Read about “Now” pages here.

Updated: 06-19-2024


I am currently a Linux System Administrator. I am studying for Red Hat’s RHCSA exam. My goal is to take the test at the end of September 2024. Follow my progress here: RHCSA_Tracker

Goal is to study for 30 minutes per day.

Writing online - Writing consistently online for Serendipity

What I am Reading

Million Dollar Weekend Million Dollar WeekendThe Relationship Handbook The Relationship Handbook


I am currently slowly tapering off of caffeine by -25mg every other week. Current Daily: 350mg

Also running every other day and eating less junk.

Things to Learn

I keep a page of projects that I want to do and tech that I want to learn here. Then, instead of trying to learn every new shiny thing as it pops up. I continue to focus on my current goal.

Plans for my website

  • Build out basic theme and layout.
  • Add picture to about page.
  • Make a “Recommended Reading” page with recommended books, and a picture of the book covers.
  • See if there is a way to change URLs for pages. I would like the URL to match the page name instead of saying “index.html”
  • Get a logo created and add it to site.
  • Create a “Contact me” page.
  • Change “now” icon.
  • Make a page with all of the tools I use.
  • Make a script that updates website every time I update my markdown files.
  • Add comments functionality to pages.
  • Add a newsletter.
  • Custom avatar.
  • Write 20 posts. (3/20)