Switching to Linux

Finding program replacements



Cloud reader:



sudo -v && wget -nv -O- https://download.calibre-ebook.com/linux-installer.sh | sudo sh /dev/stdin

Virtual box: https://linuxhint.com/install-virtualbox-linux-mint/

$ sudo apt install virtualbox virtualbox-ext-pack


Onedrive replacement (nextcloud)


You can access microsoft products at portal.office.com

Selecting a distribution


Create a boot disk


Download Iso image: https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php

Download rufus: https://rufus.ie/en/#google_vignette

Find a usb drive: 8 gigs should be enough

Instructions: https://linuxhint.com/installing_linux_mint_20_from_usb/

getting drivers for your current network card

Moving from Chrome to firefox

Export tabs



Ditching OneNote

Or using one note in linux

Unblock snapd https://itsfoss.com/enable-snap-support-linux-mint/

Install: https://linuxhint.com/install-microsoft-onenote-linux/

Joplin: https://joplinapp.org/help/#desktop-applications

wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laurent22/joplin/dev/Joplin_install_and_update.sh | bash


Plugins: https://github.com/joplin/plugins/blob/master/README#plugins

Three finger gestures:


Dark mode everything

Creating a Windows VM

Get your windows key


wmic path softwareLicensingService get OA3xOriginalProductKey


Iso image: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO

Poll for community favorite software:


OneDrive: https://linuxhint.com/install-and-use-onedrive-on-linux-mint/

Fingerprint scanner

$ sudo apt install libpam-fprintd

$ sudo pam-auth-update

Hit space to select fingerprint authorization then press enter

$ fprintd-enroll

Lift and place your finger several times

sing device /net/reactivated/Fprint/Device/0 Enrolling right-index-finger finger. Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll Enroll result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: result: en roll-stage- passed en roll-stage- passed enroll- remove-and- retry en roll-stage- passed enroll- remove-and- retry en roll-stage- passed en roll-stage- passed en roll-stage- passed enroll-stage-passed enroll- retry-scan enroll- remove-and- retry en roll-stage- passed enroll-retry-scan enroll-stage-passed enroll-stage-passed enroll- retry-scan en roll-stage- passed enroll-stage-passed en roll -completed " class=“jop-noMdConv”>

Install Putty

Screenshots (greenshot replacement)

Install shutter

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:linuxuprising/shutter sudo apt-get install -y shutter

Fix for x11 error

I found a solution. In this file sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf uncomment this line WaylandEnable=false save and exit. Then run this command in the terminal sudo systemctl restart gdm3 Happy Ubuntu :)

In Ubuntu add a custom shortcut for shutter

sh –c “shutter –s”


sudo dnf install onedrive
`onedrive --synchronize --verbose --dry-run`
onedrive --synchronize

systemctl –user enable onedrive systemctl –user start onedrive systemctl status –user onedrive

Install Obsidian using Flatpak

  1. In your terminal, run the following command to install Obsidian:

    flatpak install flathub.obsidian.Obsidian 
  2. Open Obsidian by running the following command:

    flatpak run.obsidian.Obsidian