Open source and Linux Community



- dpkg

- GNU/Linux

- Ubuntu

- Rasbian

Major Open source apllications

software packages

Debian, Ubuntu, Linux mint

- dpkg, apt-get, and apt package managers

- deb packages

RedHat, Fedora, Centos

- rpm, yum, and dnf package managers

- rpm packages

Dependencies = auxiliary packages needed by programs

Individual package files operate on .dpkg and .rpm

Catalogues (works with)

- apt get, apt, yum, dnf

- download new packages and their dependencies

$ apt-cache search package-name

$ apt search package_name

- used to search for apps

- Installation and removal of packages requires admin

$ apt-get install package name

$ apt install package_name

- two ways to install package in Debian systems

$ apt-get purge cups

- uninstall program and config files

$ figlet Awesome

- picture text program


$ yum search package_name

$ dnp

- you can use descriptive terms to find programs by function

$ yum search speaking cow (finds cowsay)

$ cowsay “Linux is fun”

Uninstall a package (remove keyword) (sudo)

$ apt-get remove package_name

$ apt remove package_name

$ yum remove package_name

$ dnf remove package_name

- config files of removed programs are kept in the system

Office Applications

Apache Open Office and Libre Office

- compatible with microsoft office doc types

- ODF (open Document Format)

- fully open and iso standardized

- ensure documents can be transferred betwen operating systems & applications from different vendors

Main applications

- writer

- Calc (spreadsheets)

- Impress (presentations)

- Draw (vector drawing)

- Math (math formulas)

- Base (database

Web Browsers

Google Chrome & Firefox


Blender (3d rendering)

GIMP (photoshop)

Inkscape (vector graphics editor)

Audacity (audio editor)

Imagemagick (cli image filetype converter

VLC & smplayer (video playback)

Server Programs

HTTP Servers

- Apache

- Nginx

- Lighttpd

PHP scripting languages

- server side code


- client side

Popular open source relational databases

- MariaDB

- PostgreSQL

Data Sharing

NFS (Network File System)

- standard way to share filesystems in Linux-only environment

- read/write

- share operating systems for thin clients


- data sharing in a mixed environment

- share files and printers

- associate

Linux systems to a domain controller or SSSD (an authentication subsystem)

Owncloud & Nextcloud (fork)

- fork = when one app is a spinoff of another


- filesharing and sync

- collaborative workspaces

- calendar, contacts, and mail


- private audio/ video confrencing

- both offer paid versions

- can install on private server for free

- must be installed on a configured web server

Network Administrat:cowboy: ion


Programming Languages

- source code - human readable text file that describes what the program is doing

- compiled languages - source code is converted to a binary file that can be executed by the computer

- Compiler - program that converts source code to executable form

- interpereted languages- interpereter reads source code and executes it’s instructions

Java Script

- used for web pages

C (compiled)

- closely related with operating systems

Java (compiled)

- portable to other operating systems


- process text content (filtering & parsing)


- automate complex or repetitive tasks


- easy to use


- server side web

- dynamic content

LAMP server

Linux OS/ Apache HTTPserver, My SQL, PHP

Open Source Software and licensing

(skipped for now)

ICT Skills and working in Linux

Open source Hypervisor

- xen, kvm, and virtualbox

Privacy issues when using the internet

- almost all actions done in a browser are tracked & analyzed by various parties

Cookie Tracking

- data sold to ad networks

- like & share buttons are also tracked

- can use a cookie manager addon to control cookies better

DNT (do not track)

- setting that tells companies that they do not want to be tracked

- they do not have to honor this setting

“private windows”

- ctrl + shift + p in firefox

- new browser with no config is opened

- personal data is not stored (history, passwords, cookies)

- Leave no trace on computer used

- good for accessing personal websites on public computers

Password manager

- keepass

- oepn source

- they won’t make use of your data

- Bitwarden

- open source

- cloud

- can host your own bitwarden server

- use a random password for every password


TLS (transport layer security)

- succesor of SSL

- provides privacy & authenticity using symmetric and public key cryptography

- used with HTTPS

File and email encryption with GnuPG (Gnu Privacy guard)

- open source

- sign, encrypt, and decrypt text, emails, files, directories, and disk partitions

- public key for encrypting

- private key for decrypting

Disk Encryption

- encrypt whole disk or partition

- two basic methods

- stacked

- block


- implemented on top of existing filesystem

- stored encrypted


- Happens below filesystem layer

- makes sure everything written to a block device is encrypted

- metadata, directory structure and permissions are also encrypted


- standard for block encryption for Linux

- native in the kernel

- can be used with LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) extension

- implements a platform-independent standard for use with various tools


Stackable method


- multiplatform support