

  • -l long listing
    • file type, permissions, link count, owner, group, size, date and time of last modification, and name of the file
  • -a Include hidden files and directories
  • -d listing of the specified directory but hides its contents
  • -h file sizes shown in human-friendly format
  • -t sorted by date and time with the newest file first
  • -r oldest file first (reverse)
  • -R Lists contents of the specified directory and all its subdirectories (recursive listing)

Column 1: The first character (hyphen or d) divulges the file type, and the next nine characters (rw-rw-r–) indicate permissions. Column 2: number of links Column 3: owner name Column 4: owning group Column 5: file size in bytes. For directories, this number reflects the number of blocks being used by the directory to hold information about its contents. Columns 6, 7, and 8: month, day, and time of creation or last modification Column 9: name of the file or directory