Windows Subsystem for Linux

Add a permanent home alias in WSL2


vim ~/.bashrc
alias home='cd /mnt/c/Users/david.thomas$' <--- Add this line to file, not a command.
$ source ~/.bashrc

Yank entire file to clipboard in vim

sudo apt install vim-gtk3
# open vim

Create new user with . in the name

add user --force-badname david.thomas

and add them to sudoer file

sudo usermod -aG sudo david.thomas

Create and edit- /etc/wsl.conf

Ceate a /etc/wsl.conf with the following setting:


Changing, of course, username to be your default username.

Exit your distro/instance, then issue a wsl --terminate <distroname> from PowerShell or CMD. When you restart, the default user should be set.

This is safer and less error-prone than the registry-based methods.02