Obsidian Tracker Plugin

#three backtiks + tracker to create a tracker


searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: noalcohol
folder: Personal/Journal/Daily
datasetName: nonoalcohol
fixedScale: 0.7
	startWeekOn: 'Mon'
	color: steelblue
searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: nofap
folder: Personal/Journal/Daily
datasetName: nofap
	template: "Longest Streak: {{maxStreak()}} day(s)\nLongest Breaks: {{maxBreaks()}} day(s)\nLast streak: {{currentStreak()}} day(s)"

Which type of search to perform searchType: frontmatter frontmatter = YAML stuff

searchTarget: kegels What to search for

folder: Personal/Journal/Daily Notes where to search

datasetName: kegels add name to the chart

startDate: 2023-01-01 endDate: 2023-01-31 set a range of dates to show

month: What to do with the data startWeekOn: ‘Mon’ start each week on monday color: steelblue change tracker color supports hex code mode: annotation annotation: 🕴

fixedScale: 1.5 change size of the tracker

summary: template: “Longest Streak: {{maxStreak()}} day(s)\nLongest Breaks: {{maxBreaks()}} day(s)\nLast streak: {{currentStreak()}} day(s)” create a summary of tracker as a separate tracker code block. Needs top 4 parameters from tracker

Weight tracker

searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: weight
folder: Personal/Journal/Daily

Caffeine Tracker (line)

searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: caffeine
folder: Personal/Journal/Daily
startDate: 2023-01-01
endDate: 2023-01-31
	lineColor: blue
	title: Caffeine Tracker
	yAxisLabel: caffeine
	yAxisUnit: mgs
	xAxisLabel: Date

Caffeine Tracker (bar)

- with title
searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: caffeine
folder: Personal/Journal/Daily
startDate: 2023-01-01
endDate: 2023-01-31
	title: Caffeine Tracker
	yAxisLabel: caffeine
	yAxisUnit: mgs
	xAxisLabel: Date
searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: caffeine
folder: Personal/Journal/Daily
	template: "Minimum: {{min()}}mgs\nMaximum: {{max()}}mgs\nMedian: {{median()}}mgs\nAverage: {{average()}}mgs"
	Label the x and y axi

yAxisUnit: mgs
	Add unit in () by the label

lineColor: yellow (not working)
	changes line color

Doc for weight tracker summary https://github.com/pyrochlore/obsidian-tracker/blob/master/examples/WeightTracker.md

Pomodoro Tracker

searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: pomodoros
folder: Personal/Journal/Daily
	title: Pomodoro Tracker
	yAxisLabel: Pomodoros
	xAxisLabel: Date
searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: pomodoros
folder: Personal/Journal/Daily
    template: "Longest Streak: {{maxStreak()}} day(s)\nLongest Breaks: {{maxBreaks()}} day(s)\nLast streak: {{currentStreak()}} day(s)"

Word Tracker

searchType: fileMeta
searchTarget: numWords
folder: Personal/Journal
	title: Word Counter
	yAxisLabel: Words
	lineColor: red
searchType: fileMeta
searchTarget: numWords
folder: Personal/Journal
	template: 'Total number of words: {{sum()}}'

Mood Tracker

searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: mood
folder: Personal/Journal/Daily
startDate: 2023-01-01
endDate: 2023-01-31
	title: "Mood"
	yAxisLabel: Mood
	lineColor: "#d65d0e"

Pomodoros and Mood

searchType: frontmatter
searchTarget: pomodoros, mood
folder: Personal/Journal/Daily
datasetName: pomodoros, mood
startDate: 2023-01-01
endDate: 2023-01-31
	title: Pomodoros & Mood
	yAxisLabel: Pomodoros, Mood
	lineColor: yellow, red
	yAxisLocation: left, right
	showLegend: True

yAxisLocation: left, right puts second parameter on the right

datasetName: pomodoros, mood give name for legend to label

showLegend: True - add legend