Table 12-2 IPv4 Address Classes Based on First Octet Values
Class First Octet Values Purpose
A 1–126 Unicast (large networks)
B 128–191 Unicast (medium-sized networks)
C 192–223 Unicast (small networks)
D 224–239 Multicast
E 240–255 Reserved (formerly experimental)
Address ranges of all addresses that begin with 0 and all addresses that begin with 127 are reserved
An IPv4 address is comprised of four period-separated octets (4 x 8 = 32-bit address) Divided into a network portion (or network ID/bits) comprising of the Most Significant Bits (MSBs) and a node portion (or node/host ID/bits) containing the Least Significant Bits (LSBs). 0 and 255 are network and broadcast addresses, and they are always reserved.
Class A
Up to 16,777,214 million nodes. Up to 126 networks. first octet as the network portion rest of the octets as the node portion. respectively.
Class B
Up to 16,384 networks Up to 65,534 thousand nodes. first two octets as the network portion other two as the node portion. address range for class B networks is between 128 and 191. 0 and 255 are network and broadcast addresses, and they are always reserved.
Class C
Up to 2,097,152 networks
Up to 254 nodes.
first three octets as the network portion
last octet as the node portion.
range for class C networks is between 192 and 223.
Class D
Range from 224 to 239.
Class E
Range from 240 to 255.