Secure Shell Service Review Questions

Q. Name the SSH client-side configuration file. A. /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Q. What would the command ssh server10 ls do? A. The command provided will run the ls command on the specified remote ssh server without the need for the user to log in.

Q. What would the command ssh-keygen -N "" do? A. The command provided will generate a passwordless ssh key pair using the default RSA algorithm.

Q. What is the default location to store user SSH keys? A. Under the ~/.ssh directory.

Q. What would the command ssh-copy-id do? A. Distribute the public key to remote systems.

Q. Which two of the five authentication methods mentioned in this chapter are more prevalent? A. The public key-based and password-based authentication methods are more prevalent.

Q. What is the use of the ssh-keygen command? A. Generate public/private key combination for use with ssh.

Q. Name the default algorithm used with SSH. A. The default algorithm used with ssh is RSA.

Q. The primary secure shell server configuration file is ssh_config. True or False? A. False. The primary secure shell configuration file is sshd_config.

Q. Which three common algorithms are used with SSH version 2 for encryption and/or authentication? A. The SSH version 2 uses RSA, DSA, and ECDSA algorithms.

Q. What kind of information does the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file store? A. The ~/.ssh/known_hosts file stores fingerprints of remote servers.

Q. List the two encryption techniques described in this chapter. A. The two encryption techniques are symmetric (secret key) and asymmetric (public key).

Q. What is the default port used by the secure shell service? A. The default port used by the secure shell service is 22.

Q. Which log file stores authentication messages? A. The /var/log/secure file stores authentication messages.

Q. The ssh tool provides a non-secure tunnel over a network for accessing a RHEL system. True or False? A. False. The ssh command provides a secure tunnel over a network.