System Tuning

System tuning service

  • Monitor connected devices
  • Tweak their parameters to improve performance or conserve power.
  • recommended tuning profile may be identified and activated for optimal performance and power saving. tuned
  • system tuning service
  • monitor storage, networking, processor, audio, video, and a variety of other connected devices
  • Adjusts their parameters for better performance or power saving based on a chosen profile.
  • Several predefined tuning profiles may be activated either statically or dynamically.

tuned service

  • static behavior (default)

    • activates a selected profile at service startup and continues to use it until it is switched to a different profile.
  • dynamic

    • adjusts the system settings based on the live activity data received from monitored system components

tuned tuning Profiles

  • Nine profiles to support a variety of use cases.
  • Can create custom profiles from nothing or by using one of the existing profiles as a template.
  • Must to store the custom profile in /etc/tuned/

Three groups: (1) Performance (2) Power consumption (3) Balanced

Profile Description
Desktop Based on the balanced profile for desktop systems. Offers improved throughput for interactive applications.
Latency-performance For low-latency requirements
Network-latency Based on the latency-performance for faster network throughput
Network-throughput Based on the throughput-performance profile for maximum network throughput
Virtual-guest Optimized for virtual machines
Virtual-host Optimized for virtualized hosts
Power Saving
Powersave Saves maximum power at the cost of performance
Balanced/Max Profiles
Balanced Preferred choice for systems that require a balance between performance and power saving
Throughput-performance Provides maximum performance and consumes maximum power

Tuning Profiles

Predefined profiles are located in /usr/lib/tuned/ in subdirectories matching their names.

View predefined profiles: ls -l /usr/lib/tuned

The default active profile set on server1 and server2 is the virtual-guest profile, as the two systems are hosted in a VirtualBox virtualized environment.

The tuned-adm Command

  • single profile management command that comes with tuned
  • can list active and available profiles, query current settings, switch between profiles, and turn the tuning off.
  • Can recommend the best profile for the system based on many system attributes.

View the man pages: man tuned-adm

Lab 12-2: Manage Tuning Profiles

  • install the tuned service
  • start it now
  • enable it for auto-restart upon future system reboots.
  • display all available profiles and the current active profile.
  • switch to one of the available profiles and confirm.
  • determine the recommended profile for the system and switch to it.
  • deactivate tuning and reactivate it.
  • confirm the activation
  1. Install the tuned package if it is not already installed: dnf install tuned

  2. Start the tuned service and set it to autostart at reboots: systemctl --now enable tuned

  3. Confirm the startup: systemctl status tuned

  4. Display the list of available and active tuning profiles: tuned-adm list

  5. List only the current active profile: tuned-adm active

  6. Switch to the powersave profile and confirm:

tuned-adm profile powersave
tuned-adm active
  1. Determine the recommended profile for server1 and switch to it:
[root@localhost ~]# tuned-adm recommend
[root@localhost ~]# tuned-adm profile virtual-guest
[root@localhost ~]# tuned-adm active
Current active profile: virtual-guest
  1. Turn off tuning:
[root@localhost ~]# tuned-adm off
[root@localhost ~]# tuned-adm active
No current active profile.
  1. Reactivate tuning and confirm:
[root@localhost ~]# tuned-adm profile virtual-guest
[root@localhost ~]# tuned-adm active
Current active profile: virtual-guest