Appendix B: Sample RHCSA Exam 2
Started at 13:15 on the first timer
Setup for Sample Exam 2:
- Build a virtual machine with RHEL 9 Server with GUI
- Use a 20GB disk for the OS with default partitioning.
- Add 1x400MB disk and a network interface. (.381GiB in Virt-Manager)
- Do not configure the network interface or create a normal user account during installation.
Task 01: Using the nmcli command,
- Configure a network connection on the primary network device:
- IP address,
- gateway, and
- nameserver
Use different IP assignments based on your lab environment. *done
Task 02: Using the hostnamectl command,
- set the system hostname to and alias rhcsa2.
- Make sure that the new hostname is reflected in the command prompt. *done
Task 03: Create a user account called user70
- With UID 7000 and
- Comments “I am user70”
- Set the maximum allowable inactivity for this user to 30 days. *done
Task 04: Create a user account called user50
- With a non-interactive shell. *done
Task 05: Attach the RHEL 9 ISO image to the VM and mount it persistently to /mnt/dvdrom.
- Define access to both repositories and confirm. *done 13:15 minutes in
Task 06: Create a logical volume called lv1
- Size equal to 10 LEs in vg1 volume group (create vg1 with PE size 8MB in a partition on the 400MB disk).
- Initialize the logical volume with XFS type and mount it on /mnt/lvfs1.
- Create a file called lv1file1 in the mount point.
- Set the file system to automatically mount at each system reboot. *done
Task 07: Add a group called group20
- Change group membership on /mnt/lvfs1 to group20.
- Set read/write/execute permissions on /mnt/lvfs1 for the owner, group members, and others. *done
Task 08: Extend the file system in the logical volume lv1 by 64MB without unmounting it and without losing any data.
- Confirm the new size for the logical volume and the file system. *done
Task 09: Create a swap partition of size 85MB on the 400MB disk. Use its UUID and ensure it is activated after every system reboot. *done
Task 10: Create a disk partition of size 100MB on the 400MB disk
- Format it with Ext4 file system structures.
- Assign label stdlabel to the file system.
- Mount the file system on /mnt/stdfs1 persistently using the label.
- Create file stdfile1 in the mount point. *done 43 minutes in
Task 11: Use the tar and gzip command combination
- create a compressed archive of the /etc directory.
- Store the archive under /var/tmp using a filename of your choice. *done
Task 12: Create a directory /direct01
- apply SELinux contexts for /root to it. *done
Task 13: Set up a cron job for user70
- To search for files by the name “core” in the /var directory and
- copy them to the directory /var/tmp/coredir1.
- This job should run every Monday at 1:20 a.m. *done
Task 14: Search for all files in the entire directory structure
- That have been modified in the past 30 days and save the file listing in the /var/tmp/modfiles.txt file. *done
Task 15: Modify the bootloader program and set the default autoboot timer value to 2 seconds. *boot
Task 16: Determine the recommended tuning profile for the system and apply it. *done
Task 17: Configure Chrony to synchronize system time with the hardware clock. Remove all other NTP sources. *done
Task 18: Install package group called “Development Tools”
- capture its information in /var/tmp/systemtools.out file. *done 1hour 13 in
Task 19: Lock user account user70.
- Use regular expressions to capture the line that shows the lock and store the output in file /var/tmp/user70.lock. *bash
Task 20: Write a bash shell script
- so that it prints RHCSA when RHCE is passed as an argument, and vice versa.
- If no argument is provided, the script should print a usage message and quit with exit value 5. *done 1 hour 43 in
Task 21: Launch a rootful container and configure it to auto-start via systemd. *done
Task 22: Launch a rootless container
- As user80 with /data01 mapped to /data01
- using the latest version of the ubi9 image.
- Configure a systemd service to auto-start the container on system reboots without the need for user80 to log in.
- Create files under the shared mount point and validate data persistence. *done 1 hour 54 minutes