Advanced User Management Review Questions

Q. Which command can be used to display the effective (current) username? A. whoami

Q. What is the recommended location to store custom sudo rules? A. The custom sudo rules should be stored in files under the /etc/sudoers.d directory.

Q. What would the command passwd -l user10 do? A. This command will lock user10.

Q. The chown command may be used to modify both ownership and group membership on a file. True or False? A. True.

Q. What would the command passwd -n 7 -x 15 -w 3 user5 do? A. The command will set mindays to 7, maxdays to 15, and warndays to 3 for user5.

Q. Write the two command names for managing all of the password aging attributes. A. The passwd and chage commands.

Q. Which file has the default password aging settings defined? A. The /etc/login.defs file has the defaults for password aging defined.

Q. What would the command chage -E 2020-10-22 user10 do? A. The command provided will set October 22, 2020 as the expiry date for user10.

Q. What would the command chage -l user5 do? A. The command provided will display password aging attributes for user5.

Q. Which two commands can be used to lock and unlock a user account? A. usermod and passwd

Q. When using sudo, log files record activities under the root user account. True or False? A. False. The activities are registered under the username who invokes the sudo command.

Q. What is the difference between running the su command with and without the hyphen sign? A. With the dash sign the su command processes the specified user’s startup files, and it won’t without this sign.

Q. What is the significance of the -o option with the groupadd and groupmod commands? A. The -o option lets the commands share a GID between two or more groups.

Q. What would the entry user10 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL in the sudoers file imply? A. It will give user10 password-less access to all privileged commands.

Q. The chgrp command may be used to modify both ownership and group membership on a file. True or False? A. False.

Q. What would the command chage -d 0 user60 do? A. The command provided will force user60 to change their password at next login.