Input, Output, and Error Redirections
- Input, output, and error character streams:
- standard input (or stdin)
- Input redirection
- <
- standard output (or stdout)
- Append instead of overwrite
- &>
- Redirect standard error and output
- standard error (or stderr)
- 2>
- standard input (or stdin)
- File descriptors:
- 0, 1, and 2
- 1
- Represents standard output location
- 1
- Can use these to represent character streams instead of <, and >
- 0, 1, and 2
- noclobber feature
- prevent overwriting of the output file
set -o noclobber
- activates the feature
set +o noclobber
- deactivate the feature
[root@localhost ~]# vim test.txt
[root@localhost ~]# set -o noclobber
[root@localhost ~]# echo "Hello" > test.txt
-bash: test.txt: cannot overwrite existing file
[root@localhost ~]# set +o noclobber
[root@localhost ~]# echo "Hello" > test.txt
[root@localhost ~]# cat test.txt