Containers DIY Labs

Lab: Launch Named Root Container with Port Mapping

  • Create a new user account called conadm on server30 and give them full sudo rights.
[root@server30 ~]# adduser conadm
[root@server30 ~]# visudo
conadm ALL=(ALL)        ALL
  • As conadm with sudo (where required) on server30, inspect the latest version of ubi9 and then download it to your computer.
[root@server30 ~]# dnf install container-tools
[root@server30 ~]# podman login
[conuser1@server30 ~]$ podman pull ubi9
Resolved "ubi9" as an alias (/etc/containers/registries.conf.d/001-rhel-shortnames.conf)
Trying to pull
Getting image source signatures
Checking if image destination supports signatures
Copying blob cc296d75b612 done   | 
Copying config 159a1e6731 done   | 
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
[conuser1@server30 ~]$ podman inspect ubi9
  • Launch a container called rootful-cont-port in attached terminal mode (-it) with host port 80 mapped to container port 8080.
sudo podman run -it --name rootful-cont-port -p 80:8080 ubi9
  • Run a few basic Linux commands such as ls, pwd, df, cat /etc/redhat-release, and os-release while in the container.
[root@349163a6e431 /]# ls
afs  boot  etc	 lib	lost+found  mnt  proc  run   srv  tmp  var
bin  dev   home  lib64	media	    opt  root  sbin  sys  usr

[root@349163a6e431 /]# pwd

[root@349163a6e431 /]# df -hT
Filesystem     Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
overlay        overlay    17G  4.3G   13G  26% /
tmpfs          tmpfs      64M     0   64M   0% /dev
shm            tmpfs      63M     0   63M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs     356M  6.0M  350M   2% /etc/hosts
devtmpfs       devtmpfs  4.0M     0  4.0M   0% /proc/keys

[root@349163a6e431 /]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.4 (Plow)
  • Check to confirm the port mapping from server30.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ sudo podman port rootful-cont-port
8080/tcp ->
  • Do not remove the container yet.

Lab: Launch Nameless Rootless Container with Two Variables

  • As conadm on server30, launch a container using the latest version of ubi8 in interactive mode (-it) with two environment variables VAR1=lab1 and VAR2=lab2 defined.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman run -d -e VAR1="lab1" -e VAR2="lab2" --name variables8 ubi8 
  • Check the variables from within the container.
[root@803642faea28 /]# echo $VAR1
[root@803642faea28 /]# echo $VAR2
  • Delete the container and the image when done.

Lab: Launch Named Rootless Container with Persistent Storage

  • As conadm with sudo (where required) on server30, create a directory called /host_perm1 with full permissions, and a file called str1 in it.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ sudo mkdir /host_perm1
[sudo] password for conadm: 
[conadm@server30 ~]$ sudo chmod 777 /host_perm1
[conadm@server30 ~]$ sudo touch /host_perm1/str1
  • Launch a container called rootless-cont-str in attached terminal mode (-it) with the created directory mapped to /cont_perm1 inside the container.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ sudo podman run --name rootless-cont-str -v /host_perm1:/cont_perm1:Z -it ubi8
[root@a1326200eae1 /]# 
  • While in the container, check access to the directory and the presence of the file.
[root@a1326200eae1 /]# ls /cont_perm1
  • Create a sub-directory and a file under /cont_perm1 and exit out of the container shell.
[root@a1326200eae1 cont_perm1]# mkdir permdir2
[root@a1326200eae1 cont_perm1]# ls
permdir2  str1
[root@a1326200eae1 cont_perm1]# exit
[conadm@server30 ~]$ 
  • List /host_perm1 on server30 to verify the sub-directory and the file.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ sudo ls /host_perm1
permdir2  str1
  • Stop and delete the container.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman stop rootless-cont-str
[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman rm rootless-cont-str
  • Remove /host_perm1.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ sudo rm -r /host_perm1

Lab: Launch Named Rootless Container with Port Mapping, Environment Variables, and Persistent Storage

  • As conadm with sudo (where required) on server30, launch a named rootless container called rootless-cont-adv in attached mode (-it) with two variables (HISTSIZE=100 and MYNAME=RedHat), host port 9000 mapped to container port 8080, and /host_perm2 mounted at /cont_perm2
[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman run --name rootless-cont-adv -v ~/host_perm2:/cont_perm2:Z -e HISTSIZE="100" -e MYNAME="RedHat" -p 9000:8080 -it --replace ubi8
[root@79e965cd1436 /]# 
  • Check and confirm the settings while inside the container.
[root@79e965cd1436 /]# echo $HISTSIZE

[root@79e965cd1436 /]# echo $MYNAME

[root@79e965cd1436 /]# ls -ld /cont_perm2 
drwxrwxrwx. 2 root root 6 Aug  4 02:16 /cont_perm2

[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman port rootless-cont-adv
8080/tcp ->
  • Exit out of the container.
[root@5d510a1b2293 /]# exit
[conadm@server30 ~]$ 
  • Do not remove the container yet.

Lab 22-5: Control Rootless Container States via systemd

  • As conadm on server30, use the rootless-cont-adv container launched in the last lab as a template and generate a systemd service configuration file and store the file in the appropriate directory.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman run --name rootless-cont-adv -v ~/host_perm2:/cont_perm2:Z -e HISTSIZE="100" -e MYNAME="RedHat" -p 9000:8080 -dt --replace ubi8
[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman generate systemd --new --name rootless-cont-adv > ~/.config/systemd/user/rootless-container.service

It is recommended to use Quadlets for running containers and pods under systemd.

Please refer to podman-systemd.unit(5) for details.
  • Stop and remove the source container rootless-cont-adv.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman stop rootless-cont-adv
[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman rm rootless-cont-adv
  • Add the support for the new service to systemd and enable the new service to auto-start at system reboots.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ systemctl --user daemon-reload

[conadm@server30 user]$ systemctl --user enable --now rootless-container.service
Created symlink /home/conadm/.config/systemd/user/ → /home/conadm/.config/systemd/user/rootless-container.service.
  • Perform the required setup to ensure the container is launched without the need for the conadm user to log in.
[conadm@server30 user]$ loginctl enable-linger

[conadm@server30 user]$ loginctl show-user conadm | grep -i linger
  • Reboot server30 and confirm a successful start of the container service and the container.
[root@server30 ~]# podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                   COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS         PORTS       NAMES
fe0d07718dda  /bin/bash   17 seconds ago  Up 17 seconds              rootful-container

Lab 22-6: Control Rootful Container States via systemd

  • As conadm with sudo where required on server10, use the rootful-cont-port container launched in Lab 22-1 as a template and generate a systemd service configuration file and store the file in the appropriate directory.
[root@server30 ~]# podman generate systemd --new --name rootful-cont-port | tee /etc/systemd/system/rootful-cont-port.service

It is recommended to use Quadlets for running containers and pods under systemd.

Please refer to podman-systemd.unit(5) for details.
# container-rootful-cont-port.service
# autogenerated by Podman 4.9.4-rhel
# Sat Aug  3 20:49:32 MST 2024

Description=Podman container-rootful-cont-port.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run \
	--cidfile=%t/%n.ctr-id \
	--cgroups=no-conmon \
	--rm \
	--sdnotify=conmon \
	-d \
	--replace \
	-it \
	--name rootful-cont-port \
	-p 80:8080 ubi9
ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop \
	--ignore -t 10 \
ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/podman rm \
	-f \
	--ignore -t 10 \

  • Stop and remove the source container rootful-cont-port.
[root@server30 ~]# podman stop rootful-cont-port
WARN[0010] StopSignal SIGTERM failed to stop container rootful-cont-port in 10 seconds, resorting to SIGKILL 
[root@server30 ~]# podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                   COMMAND     CREATED         STATUS         PORTS       NAMES
fe0d07718dda  /bin/bash   16 minutes ago  Up 16 minutes              rootful-container
[root@server30 ~]# podman rm rootfil-cont-port
Error: no container with ID or name "rootfil-cont-port" found: no such container
[root@server30 ~]# podman rm rootful-cont-port
  • Add the support for the new service to systemd and enable the service to auto-start at system reboots.
[root@server30 ~]# systemctl daemon-reload
[root@server30 ~]# systemctl enable --now rootful-cont-port
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/rootful-cont-port.service.
  • Reboot server10 and confirm a successful start of the container service and the container.
[root@server30 ~]# reboot

[root@server30 ~]# podman ps
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                   COMMAND     CREATED             STATUS             PORTS                 NAMES
5c030407a7d6  /bin/bash   About a minute ago  Up About a minute>8080/tcp  rootful-cont-port
9d1e8a429ac6  /bin/bash   About a minute ago  Up About a minute                        rootful-container
[root@server30 ~]# 

Lab 22-7: Build Custom Image Using Containerfile

  • As conadm on server10, write a containerfile to use the latest version of ubi8 and create a user account called user-in-container in the resultant custom image.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ vim containerfile

RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash -u 1001 user-in-container

USER 1001
[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman image build -f containerfile --no-cache -t ubi8-user .
STEP 2/3: RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash -u 1001 user-in-container
--> b330095e91eb
STEP 3/3: USER 1001
COMMIT ubi8-user
--> e8cde30fc020
Successfully tagged localhost/ubi8-user:latest
  • Test the image by launching a container in interactive mode and verifying the user.
[conadm@server30 ~]$ podman run -ti --name test12 ubi8-user
[user-in-container@30558ffcb227 /]$