7 Steps to Get Back on a NoFap Streak Immediately
Reconnect with your reason why. Is there a book or YouTube video that explained the benefits. What motivated you to start in the first place? Write down the negatives associated with porn and masturbation. And the benefits you have felt from previous attempts.
Set a goal related to nofap. A 90 day timeline is far enough to make real progress. But not so far out that your timeline is unpredictable.
Set up process controls. This is what you do to keep your goal from breaking down in a lapse of willpower. This includes a weekly plan, daily habits, and peer support. Make sure you track your plan and habits.. And discuss setbacks in a weekly meeting with peers.
Use your time with purpose. Say no to anything that goes against your goals. Align your time and energy with things you enjoy doing. And other goals that you have or skills that you want to practice.
Schedule time for important tasks. Schedule time to reconnect with your why, every day. And time to work on your plan and daily habits. Create an “Ideal Week” calendar. To live every moment with intention. See
Ali Abdaal‘s video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=6o2tm00Ar8A&t=407s
Take Ownership You are the only one who can take control of your results. Regardless of circumstances. Surround yourself with people who own their lives. Take up a Growth mindset: https://amazon.com/Mindset-Psychology-Carol-S-Dweck/dp/0345472322/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1
Take your commitments seriously. How you do one thing is how you do everything. People will notice. And most importantly, you will notice. This creates a flywheel for success and will spill over to all areas of your life.