Bliss of the Celibate (4/10)

Bliss of the Celibate Bliss of the Celibate

Sex drive is a powerful force. And misusing it brings you down to the level of an animal. You must conserve and transmute this force to reveal your true gifts. Feeding lust makes you never satisfied, and spills over into all other areas in life. Giving a low rating because it’s overly religious for my tastes. And says that if you have sex, then you won’t have guy friends because you are afraid of being gay. Other than those two things, it’s a decent intro on the benefits you can experience from controlling your sexual side.

Summary and Highlights

Sexual nature spirals out of control, always moving towards chaos the more it is indulged.

Lust is like a drug. Caries the negative traits of other drug addictions.

Lust makes you more materialistic. Clinging to the physical world, and abandoning the spiritual one.

Women notice a man change after a man releases. His mood changes. He becomes uninterested in her. He becomes withdrawn. He loses the sparkle in his eye.

When retaining sexual energy, a man becomes more noble, acquires patience, magnanimity, energy, and strength.

He becomes kinder to his children and has more patience with them.

Orgasm gives man a “Male Period”.

Orgasm more than once a month makes man psychologically inferior to a woman.

Semen benefits women physically and psychologically.

Retaining sexual energy is the foundation of character and psychological resilience.

Without masculine energy, females are having to fill that role in families and society.

With woman taking over masculine roles and feminine roles, she does neither one good.

Cultivate your sexual energy in order to stop your decline. Each day adding more benefits than the previous.

When you retain you become more patient.

Your mind becomes steady.

You get your fidelity back.

You become more calm and generous.

You become less needy.

Sex no longer controls you.

Any attempt to cut back on orgasms gives benefits.

You become more charming.

You get “superpowers”

You get psychological improvements.

Your greatness is based on your ability to control your sexual nature.

When you try to control your sexual energy and fail, you are still better than the person who does not try and say that there is no reason to try.

“No man is great who doesn’t have righteous control of his sexual energy.”

Your ability to be moral depends on the control you have over your sexual nature.

Sexual purity is everything, the more sexually pure you are, the more moral impact you have on the world. The less sexually pure you are, the worst moral impact you have on the world.

Lust is a cheap thrill that has nothing to do with you.

It has nothing to do with divine bliss and does not compare.

Celibacy becomes easy.

Celibacy means there is no loss of creative substance. No lust.

It is not just retaining semen that is important.

Every effort at celibacy gives you permanent effect.

Sexual desire makes you a slave.

Sexual addict with rationalize to keep the addiction going. They will try to get others to become addicted for their own “lustful stimulation” and too provide a validating environment.

Lust is and empty, fruitless pursuit that draws you away from the spiritual world, and down to “matter” or the physical world.

You must make an effort to banish lustful thoughts.

You can take a vow or not. But stay on the path either way.

You are not signing up for “The death of all pleasure”.

Your health gets better, you get more energy, you need less sleep, you have more power to manifest your thoughts.

You can achieve deeper meditation.

More wealth.

Sex is not a human need. It is a force of nature.

Man strives to attain authority over forces of nature.

You cannot satisfy a sex appetite. You are led to the nature of a beast.

Sex is not a drug to make you feel better or temporarily distract you from pain.

Sex is intended to make babies.

Sex is not a way to build power or give you influence.

Sex is not meant to make you famous or make money.

Sex is not meant for bonding. It is just using each other as a drug.

You need vitality, strength, and endurance.

You need evenness and patience.

Knowledge builds like compound interest in a celibate.

You need meditation.

Meditation is stabilized by celibacy.

Enlightenment is only possible through celibacy.

Quit losing your vital force.

“Tantra” tries to include the world in the divine.

Sexuality disturbs us and takes away our peace.

Sex draws us away from the spiritual world, and out into the material world. Giving the illusion that the material world is real and important.

Higher divorce rate is seen in nations that have the most sex in marriage.

Sex cheapens relationships and makes you lose respect for each other.

Respect each other’s good character to achieve higher bonding. Divine friendship.

Friendship is the highest form of human relationships.

A meditation practice makes all material addictions (including sex) decline and then disappear.

Because Meditation brings superior pleasure than sense pleasures of the body.

When you retain, stavic qualities arise. You want to serve mankind. You get charisma.

When you sex, your life becomes darker and less successful on all levels.

All human sexual perversion comes from indulging in lust.

Most human sorrow comes from lust.

This is a hard reality to grasp and few can bare it.

You can achieve limitless bliss of pure consciousness.

Even just a little bit of Caffeine makes it nearly impossible to stay on the path.

Keep the mind on lofty thoughts, exercise strenuously, meditate, serve others. And your sexual energy will by transmuted into physical strength, health, creativity, and bliss.

Virtue brings beauty, sin brings ugliness.

“Yoga” means “union” with the divine.

“Yoga Sutras” by Patanjali.

An austerity is a “doing without.” Austerity and Renunciation are the same thing.

Buddha was a Hindu. The books he read were the Bhagavad-Gita and the Vedas.

You must have austerity to develop spiritually.

The eight parts of yoga. - Self restraints - Fixed observances - Posture - Regulation of breath - Abstraction - Concentration - Contemplation - Trance

“The Science of Yoga, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” with Commentary by I.K. Taimni, p. 205.

Five Yamas (Forms Of Restraint): - Bramacharya (Sexual Celibacy) - Ahimsa (Non-Injury) - Satya (Truth) - Asteya (Abstention From Stealing) - Bramacharya (Continence) - Aparigraha {Abstinence From Avariciousness)

Sanskrit is the oldest language.

Sanskrit is a literal language not open to interpretation.

Bramacharya refers to one thing, and one thing only: sexual celibacy. No orgasms, at minimum. No thought of sex or sexual titillation.

Do no look at breasts or rear ends of women as they go by.

Eventually the energy will stop dropping to your private parts when you look at women.

Do not imagine having sex with any woman.

Virya = vigor

You attain virya.

Weakness, laxity (not caring), and inadequacy disappear.

You gain resilience, strength, and energy.

Eventually, even the slightest thought of sex fails to enter the mind.

“Yoga Vasistha,” by the sage Vasistha, is one of the most valuable books on yoga.

Celibacy is the sole means to one’s ultimate good.

The only way to master your mind.

“Lovingly, patiently wean yourself away from sense addictions.”

Sex weakens you, makes you an addict, and gives you delusional notions that keep you trapped.

Sex addicted men do not win wars or battles. They cannot even mount an effective resistance.

Banish all fear and weakness. Never weaken your mind by thinking of past mistakes.

Never lose faith in yourself.

From lust comes grief, from lust comes fear; he who is free from lust neither sorrows nor fears.

The thirst of a heedless man grows like a creeper; he runs from life to life, like a monkey seeking fruit in the forest.

Sufferings fall from him like water drops from a lotus leaf.

Called a medicant (sanyyasin).

He who, though richly adorned, exercises tranquillity, is quiet, subdued, restrained, chaste, and has ceased to injure all other beings, is indeed a Brahman, an ascetic, a friar.

There are no satisfying lusts.

Ever by a shower of gold pieces; he who knows that lusts have a short taste and bring suffering in their train is wise.

Four things befall the heedless man who courts his neighbor’s wife – first, acquisition of demerit, secondly, an uncomfortable bed, thirdly, evil report, and lastly, hell.

The type of Buddhism spreading most in America is Tibetan Buddhism, or “Tantric Buddhism”.

Any sexual self restraint has great benefits to man morally, emotionally, and physically, and conduces to all prosperity.

Engine of enlightenment.

Makes possible the deeper meditation.

Steadies the mind.

Any sexual self-restraint" gives “great benefits” to man.

It is more difficult to attain celibacy and sexual self restraint for a male.

When he attains it, the effects on him are immediately greater.

In bodily terms, the woman is the actual winner in the sex act; the male is the actual loser.

In the spiritual path, one disengages from grosser pleasures so that one can experience pleasures that are finer and more satisfying.

The one thing worth attaining.

Increased energy and greater powers of concentration.

Proper attitude one should have toward wickedness is to ignore it, while praising the virtuous.

Celibacy has always been, and still is, essential to classical yoga.

The sanskrit term for sexual celibacy is bramacharya. For a man it means no emission of sexual fluid. This is the minimum meaning for celibacy. Celibacy has been broken, for example, if a man has an orgasm in sleep.

He fully burns up all thoughts of sex, starting with the gross physical mind, and then later cleaning up his dream states and astral mind.

Yogananda states that meditation is the highest of all the austerities.

The renunciation of harmful food, useless diversions, fruitless pleasures.

She seems to lack his energy, intrepidness, intelligence, skill, and courage.

When he first finds attraction to another female, again, it is to the eyes and face. His shakti dwells in the higher part of the spine.

The orgasm has indeed made him less interested in society, less able to deal with the stresses of other people, and even antisocial.

He can fill up this strange new emptiness with a distraction or thrill.

Divine Shakti becomes insulted and angry seeing herself “dumped on the ground” for no procreative purpose. She regrets that she gave that boy the sexual organ and the sexual power of the male. The Divine Shakti begins taking steps to mess up the boy’s life, and darken his world.

As the boy keeps sexing, a coarse energy or pollution gathers in his lower chakras, casting a blight on his outer world.

If he doesn’t have clear moral teachings or guidance on this subject, from people he loves and respects, he won’t adequately reject this activity and will be tempted to do it again.

Other men, especially males, are in the best position to protect him here. Without clear warnings and teachings/dharma from another male he respects, he does it again and begins to develop an addiction to it.

First he had no interest in the idea of the sex act. In fact as a boy the sex act seemed stupid and disgusting. But now it is interesting and the idea gives a sexual charge.

This marks him, giving him powerful samskaras (memories/impressions) of sex. Later as he tries to renounce, these impressions will become deeply problematic. The memories of sex will keep coming back to him, inciting his lust.

His eyes now have the habit of looking at the bodies of women and lusting.

The male developing sex addiction is always drawn to look at the bodies of women. Women on the street, women at school, women at work, etc.

But now his consciousness is dropping lower. In society, this causes women to become preoccupied with a new part of her body, her butt.

Women in more pure societies are never obsessed about their butts.

You can tell where a society is at in it’s decline by which part of the anatomy the female is most obsessed about.

The male becomes powerless in his reaction to the female form.

Every time he sees the female form, in photos or it life, he is intensely drawn to it. The female body has a seemingly magical hold over him, and his response to the female form is intense.

The female form becomes his true idol, his de facto god.

He is easily irritated, and easily loses his temper, especially after an orgasm.

Powers of focus and concentration lessen.

Becomes less competent and energetic in discharging his duties.

He has less patience and operates from a lower morale.

He is more likely to get into conflicts and arguments with others, and operate from a less noble emotional position.

He performs more other deeds which are unvirtuous, destructive, or negative.

Listless and lacks sparkle. He lacks energy. He is sick more. He may develop a chronic health problem.

Usually the sexing man comes to be more comfortable relating to women, and is uncomfortable with men.

Feels uncomfortable getting close to men, and avoids men as friends.

Men no longer appeal as companions, because he relates to others mostly with a sexual charge, and he has become so sexualized that it begins to respond to strange things, as if sexual desire had an omnivorous appetite.

You can usually tell a man who is fairly sexually clean, because he will have close non sexual male relationships, even preferring to be with men, with no sexual thing at all.

He begins to find himself attracted to things in the woman that did not have a sexual meaning before.

He is about to take the path of the demon, who is destined to be made fertilizer by the Divine Being.

A sexual thrill will begin to develop around increasingly perverse and disturbing things. With each new collapse, he yields something more in the realm of his conscience and values.

Man either moves into the darkness of sexual perversion, or realizes where he is headed and turns back in the direction of his original purity.

Most effective technique for regaining this lost purity is outright sexual renunciation, along with deep meditation.

Meditation is critically important, because it gives a more-than-ample replacement of the lost pleasure when pursued devoutly.

Steps along the way as he reverses his path:

Conscious realization that what he is doing is wrong and destructive in his life. He has become aware of becoming in some way sexually corrupted or perverted. He realizes he is addicted and begins to seek for help in some form.

It is good for the male to ask, in a conscious way, a higher power to intervene and assist him in overcoming the addiction.

The higher power might be termed God, Jesus Christ, or another guru. He makes a statement to himself of renunciation. Like a smoker who throws all his cigarettes in the sewer, he accomplishes an act of renunciation.

Begins to make an effort not to look at sexual things, read sexual things, or listen to sexual things, or go to women where does sexual things. Because of this effort he reduces his orgasms, but he will probably continue to slip regularly. When he does slip, he feels increasing remorse and disgust with himself. He prays more about the problem.

If the man is fortunate, he will find activities that substitute for the pleasure being given up. He will begin to turn the energy now saved to more constructive and positive activities. This may be involvement with people or service. It may be one of the arts. He may throw himself into writing a book, or reading and learning He may get obsessed with his car or some other vehicle, or begin some new interest. If he is very fortunate, he will discover meditation. This will eventually completely short circuit the sex addiction.

As he sexes less, any trend toward perversion begins to recede. He strips back the years and regains his more simple, healthy sexual interests.

Things that were once gross but had become interesting, now are gross and repugnant again. Small and wholesome matters become sexually attractive again, such as the sight of a woman’s calf, or the shape of her bust, or her downy cheek.

Restraint. He feels more sexually potent, and the attraction to women at times is quite strong. This occasionally causes him to slip again. As a once sexually active man attempts restraint, he naturally builds up a higher level of sexual potential.

He comes into states in which he feels more potent than ever.

At times, as this energy is building up but not transmuted, he feels so virile he thinks he could be a veritable stag, mating with many women. He can find sexual attraction to even the plainest of women at these times. He feels like his sexual energy is some kind of boon or precious gift he has to bestow. (This is true, but he should not let it trick him into the Deed.)

This is a lot of fun for him to feel this potent, so he will occasionally slip. Like a sailor who has been away at sea for months, sex desire becomes keen again, and he will at times savor it and “ride” it as he once did when he was younger and becoming addicted.

This is a mistake, but most men will go through phases like this. The stored up sexual energy is still inclined to want to go down through the lower.

He is trying to pen up a wild stallion that is used to running free. He has a tiger in the barn, and for a period it seems to be problematic.

Eventually the horse will be like a powerful, disciplined draft horse that can be applied to any task.

But during the beginning, the horse wants to bolt a lot. Because of the storing of the sexual energy, any fanning of the flame makes the man feel extremely passionate desire. What he has inside him seems more powerful than before.

With cultivation the tiger will become calm and serve you.

(Thinks that) “Celibacy must be impossible or bad. It makes men very horny.” But the fellow is only in an unbaked stage of unskilled celibacy.

The man has a long way to go yet. When he does slip, he will feel more remorse than ever.

And like an alcoholic, he will also find that he sinks to the old depths rather quickly. Whereas his sexual appetite had seemed so wholesome, now a perverse thought reappears. This happens after a slip. Channels have been “cut” in the body, brain, and astral body by the addiction and experiences of the past. These channels are still fresh. Weeds may be growing up in what was once a highway, but the path is still there. In Hinduism these impressions or markings are called “samskaras.” If you scratch a mark in the ground, water will tend to find that channel and flow down it.

Just abstaining and letting them lie fallow for a while doesn’t erase them. They are quickly reclaimed and reactivated with every lapse back into sexing.

There will be lapses. But the wise man continues to cultivate himself away from sexing. He may find he can will the sexual energy to bolt up up his spine. When doing so, his spine will bolt erect, as if his whole upper body had become an erection. He stops looking at the butts of women and their other physical features. When he does look, he feels a little disappointed by what he sees.

It’s just the same old butt. He starts to think, “You see one, you’ve seen them all.”

His most tempting sexual encounters begin to be in the dream state. He sees fewer women who attract him.

As he begins to purify himself of lust, he begins to sense lust in others.

Most women begin to seem used and soiled, or having lust. He senses these things by instinct.

Because he is becoming pure, he notices the impurity in others.

He finds that he is only attracted to those with some purity.

He no longer consciously masturbates; only in near sleep or sleep states.

He becomes keenly aware of how any loss of semen weakens him physically and demoralizes him. He may masturbate consciously or semi-consciously, but endeavors not to “leak” any semen.

He may experiment with Taoist" sexual practices in which sexual pleasure is indulged, but semen is retained or drawn back in. These cause harm to the sexual organs such as the prostate, plus keep him sexing and addicted to the thrill.

He sees how even the mental activity of lusting is vitiating and drains him of shakti.

He senses how even when he looks at a woman with lust, he is losing subtle shakti.

Now we have a man capable of becoming that jewel among men, the celibate.

Virya refers to noticeable qualities of character and countenance that come to the celibate male (In some Sutra translations the English word “vigor” is used instead).

Virya means the increase of masculine qualities such as strength, stamina, energy, clarity, patience and evenness.

His body, face and attitude.

He wins wars, and protects others who are more vulnerable. Virility also makes a man unafraid.

In the “Art of War” there is given this interesting strategy for winning a war: Send prostitutes into the enemy camp.

Sturdy, intrepid, and forceful.

The first evidence of a man’s progress in spiritual life is a strong grit.

What “grit” means: Firmness of character, especially in pain or danger.

Unrestrained and wanton sex destroys the character of man and takes away his courage.

Tejas (effulgence) Tejas refers to the sparkle in the eyes and, the glow of vitality, and charismatic aura around the face and body of a celibate saint or yogi.

You are sick less often. Many health problems will be mitigated, or disappear entirely. You need less sleep.

Develop a more even temperament.

Few things irritate you or cause you to lose your temper.

You are bolder, more courageous, and show integrity.

Develop consistency of character and more constancy in pursuing goals.

Even begin controlling “wet dreams”.

When any come close to attracting you, it will always be a woman who is herself developing moral purity.

You no longer create sexual experiences in the dream state. One begins to see the female form in a different way.

You begin seeing that almost all women assume males are no better than dogs, that all men inherently worship the female form, and that men are generally unable to resist any woman who gives them half a chance.

Women who are conventionally “sexy” will not attract this sort of man unless they have high moral virtue similar to his.

So it is that as men return to purity and goodness, women automatically follow.

Others notice you and are attracted to you more than before, especially women.

Happens to be attracted to the stored up sexual energy itself, which provides greater temptations to the celibate, and to her.

As a man withdraws energy from the lower centers and the sexual organ, sometimes a buzzing or vibrating sensation can be felt in the sexual members. This carries no erotic or sexual feeling.

This is the divine shakti knocking off layers of dark karma associated with that organ.

You stop having erections, even in the dream state.

Requires abstention from all caffeine.

A sign of spiritual development is a more pleasant and attractive voice.

Your words are found to have more effect. Your thoughts are found to influence your surroundings. People who spend time around you become more like you. Whatever spiritual realization you have, you become able to pass it to others.

One result is usually a heightened interest in God and pursuit of the spiritual life.

Even a celibate man who is not a God-seeker will influence others powerfully through his thoughts.

The buildup of the male energy, manifests as more energy.

Endurance, steadiness, toughness, and courage – in all areas of life.

Wasting of the male substance eventually makes a man weak, listless, timid, and feminine.

Place in the human brain associated with sexual orgasm. This area lies next to the part of the brain associated with violent aggression. As the sexer repeatedly “overheats” this part of the brain, it begins to fuse with the violent-aggressive part of the brain. Thus the sexer eventually finds that he is getting erections at the sight of blood and violence. We have a term from deep in our cultural history: “blood lust”.

Desire for celibacy does not often emerge in the female as compellingly as in a man who finally figures out the situation. First of all, sex desire tends not to become such a problem for the female, causing such negative consequences.

Any man who sexes more than once a month is automatically inferior to any woman.

A female yogi directing her shakti up the spine over a long time will eventually cease from having her period.

Many great female saints having the highest station of nirvikalpa samadhi. Examples: St. Teresa of Avila, Ananda Mayi Ma, the living saint Karuna Mayi.

The man is inherently rajasic, pushing outward and also manifests his spiritual progress more noticeably in the external realm.

Typical Male Weaknesses –Addiction to the Female Form; tendency to become addicted to sex –Lack Of interest in the spiritual and esoteric –Addiction to activity and worldly pursuits, Overly aggressive, combative nature.

Hurtfulness towards others which clouds his karma and hides from him the spiritual truth –Pride, ego, arrogance, lack of humility. –Fruitless intellectuality; tendency to become distracted by too many facts, details, and fine distinctions, Difficulty grasping the broad, ineffable, inarticulate sense of things –Enjoyment of arguing over spiritual things; lording spiritual knowledge over others –Less capacity for trust and Faith (shraddha) –More distance from the childlike consciousness –Less tendency for emotion and devotion (bhakti) –Tendency to believe in only external things –Tendency to view external things as more important, including in external things in the spiritual and religious fields. The male is the leader in the attraction to worldliness.

Tendency to silence, economy of words, which conserves his life force and reduces his entanglements, improving his sadhana.

When the male, for a long time, worships the female form, the female will necessarily come to worship her own form.

Woman has long been dismayed, bemused and even confused by the power of her body to hold such sway over the male.

Nothing in the material world, and no sensual feeling, can ever satisfy man because man is Spirit.